
A Look at America’s Future

We are a couple of days away from inaugurating our next president, and, after that painful moment in history has passed, the question remains: What kind of country will we have? Here are some items we might expect in a worst-case scenario:

With the new vice-president in a position to cast a tie-breaking vote in the U.S. Senate we can expect that the “Filibuster” will go the way of the Wooly Mammoth, Dodo, and Passenger Pigeon. Of course, with the some of the Republicans we have representing us in the Senate, the vice-president may not have much tie-breaking to do.

We can also look for instant amnesty for the tens of millions of illegal aliens with citizenship to follow shortly thereafter.

In addition, look for the Senate to partially alleviate the rise in jobless claims sure to result from amnesty and citizenship by adding four positions to the Supreme Court. This should help, as should the four additional openings in the Senate created by adding Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia as the next two states. You get one guess as to the political sympathies of these new senators and justices. Of course, people will have to be paid for not working, and the those who are employed will do the paying in the form of confiscatory taxes. With the Republicans relegated to permanent minority status, no one will be able or willing to stop the eventual destruction of our economy and the erosion of the dollar.

You should know who is responsible for this destruction of our democratic republic. Don’t blame the current iteration of the Democratic Party. The Democrats are what they are, and everyone knows it. The same is true of the media and the American oligarchs who rule our behavior. Ignore them, and you will be uninformed. Believe them, and you will be misinformed. Blame instead the feckless Republican establishment that was so eager to end the presidency of Donald Trump that it was willing to sacrifice this country to do it.

Prior to the November election, more than three hundred lawsuits were filed threatening legal action unless election laws in states were changed to allow unsolicited mail-in ballots. Governors and attornies general in states such as Georgia, Pennsylvania, and others acted unilaterally and unconstitutionally when threatened with these suits. Any changes in election law should have been approved by the legislatures in these states, and they were not. Was there any attempt to counter-sue prior to the election? Apparently not. Every Republican lawmaker was publicly outraged by what happened in November, but, by then the toothpaste was out of the tube, and no one had the courage to try to put it back.

So, remember what has happened to our country, and keep remembering until the 2022 primary elections. If you’re not in the habit of praying for our nation, it would be a good time to start. Maybe it won’t be too late by then. Only GOD really knows.